We found 64-year-old Maria, who lives at Bukuuba sharing a piece of locally made cassava with her granddaughter during lunchtime. Maria is among the suffering natives of the Bukuuba landing site who finds it harder to get food and feed her grandchildren.
Maria’s joy was seen on her face after receiving food relief from JFM this afternoon, and she quickly took food to her house. Over 17 food packages have been injected at the Bukuuba landing site to alleviate poor people from hunger and starvation. In August 2021, JFM rolled out the food program targeting low-income families to harness their standard of living.
The initial budget of funds for each family weekly is $33. ” Yes, we struggle to get food many times, and we thank God like you who give free food,” Said Maria. Many times people sell their belongings or make barter trade to get food.
As with our of our food gifts, JFM included the gift of life with a brand new children’s Bible. It’s hard to describe what this little Bible means to children that have nothing literally. There is often a sense of pride amongst the poorest of these people, and you won’t see much joy until we walk away. Then the celebration begins.