In the heart of Uganda, at Nkokonjeru village, there lived a remarkable woman named Nabakooza Sarah. Despite losing her beloved husband in the tumultuous mid-1980s, she remained steadfastly single, choosing to honor the memory of her youth and remain faithful to her vows.
On a seemingly ordinary day, strangers from Jesusfedme stumbled upon Sarah’s home. Despite our unfamiliarity, Sarah welcomed us with open arms, embodying the spirit of hospitality ingrained in her Christian values. As we exchanged words of the gospel, Sarah listened intently, her spirit stirred by the healing message delivered.
As the conversation unfolded, Sarah couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotion, goosebumps prickling her skin as she absorbed the words of hope and restoration. At that moment, she felt renewed, having heard new words for the first time from a young man of purpose, as if God Himself had orchestrated the meeting to reaffirm His presence in her life.
To Sarah’s surprise and delight, Jesusfedme didn’t stop on the good message but also blessed her with provisions, leaving her grateful. As she looked around her simple home, filled with the warmth of newfound fellowship and the tangible evidence of God’s provision, Sarah’s heart overflowed with joy. Despite her trials and tribulations, she knew deep in her soul that she was never truly alone, for God’s love and provision never wavered.