In the village of Buwambo, a young boy named Bill was only eight years old. Bill lived...
Olivia Nakanyike, a young woman of twenty-three, found herself in a difficult situation after marrying at a...
Here’s a heartfelt message about the work does to help hungry children with food and snacks....
Greetings beloved,I’ve been blessed to be part of the gospel books distribution team for JFM. For quite...
Hasifah Namajja, a 13-year-old girl at the Mashariki Children’s Home, was admitted to the home program last...
Mama Marvin struggled to light a fire in the evening in her tattered clothes. The meager remnants...
Elder Annet, who was well-stricken in years, was in her late seventies. She was sorely afflicted with...
JFM is deeply intertwined with the mission of serving poor families. Rooted in Christian values, we recognize...
Francisco was a humble man living in a modest grass-thatched house on the outskirts of a small...
Jesus Fed Me is a dedicated non-governmental organization operating in Uganda with a mission to alleviate hunger...