Dr. William Kirembwe, a man whose journey began with support from JesusFedMe at the tender age of...
Greetings beloved, Travis Buteera is ten years old and in primary school. He joined the Mashariki Children’s...
Progress on the Miracle Medical Center has been inspiring! We’ve been blessed to see each new detail...
Kalanzi Enock was a man of stature and experience, living in the bustling city of Kampala in...
The power of love and compassion is at the heart of JesusFedMe ministry. By delivering food, offering...
JesusFedMe.com (JFM) serves a diverse and vulnerable group of people in Uganda, focusing on those who are...
In a world that seems to be filled with evil, pain, and suffering, surviving without Jesus is...
Greetings, beloved, I’d like to share the story of Bruhan, a 13-year-old we fondly call “Bull.” He...
In the heart of Uganda, the bustling streets are alive with the roar of boda boda motorcycles,...