In a quaint, idyllic village nestled amid rolling hills and meandering streams, there exists a heartwarming story...
Elder Rose Mary, a non-Christian with a heart full of kindness and an open mind, left a...
Elder Atim Justine, at 76, finds herself living a challenging and solitary life in a destitute condition....
JFM is an inspiring organization that is actively engaged in multiple initiatives, all of which have a...
JFM’s weekly review is a testament to the incredible impact on the communities we serve. Week after...
written by Ignatious Sseremba, director of Mashariki Children’s Home Greetings Beloved, Yesterday, we recognized a need to...
Emma, a needy man, had fallen on the harshest of times. After years of struggling to make...
One sunny afternoon, as members of the JFM were on their way to carry out the regular...