Over the past three years, Jesusfedme has led many lives of Uganda’s elderly population to the LORD. Jesusfedme has fervently shared the good news through our tireless door-to-door evangelism, guiding many elders towards spiritual salvation. As a result, 80% of these individuals have found redemption and hope for eternity.
Jesusfedme’s ministry has always been moved by love, compassion, and a deep commitment to spreading the teachings of Christ to elders. Jesusfedme has touched countless older individuals’ hearts through preaching and personal interaction, instilling a newfound faith and understanding of God’s love within them. Despite the challenges and obstacles faced along the way, our persistence to see older people encounter salvation has never been quenched and has borne fruit, leading many souls away from the path of spiritual darkness.
Without Jesusfedme’s intervention, we were guiding souls away from the brink of eternal damnation. We have received news over the past three years that our dear aged people we led to the Lord died. Some just a few months later, God called them for eternity. We are thankful for the opportunity and privilege to lead these folks to the Lord.