In the heart of Uganda, the bustling streets are alive with the roar of boda boda motorcycles, the lifeline of many in the country. These boda men, known for their swiftness and agility, weave through traffic, often appearing out of nowhere and disappearing just as quickly. The boda bodas provide quick, affordable transportation, but their disregard for road safety is becoming a growing concern.
Today was no different. With joy in my heart and the love of Christ driving me forward, I prepared for a day of ministry. My mission, as always, was to preach the gospel and share the good news of Jesus Christ, trusting that the Holy Spirit would guide my steps. As I drove, singing praises in my heart, a boda man suddenly swerved into my path. He was speeding recklessly as if he were on a fast track to heaven, but his haste had earthly consequences.
The boda collided with my car in a flash, leaving a long, jagged scratch across the side. My first instinct was to react in frustration, but then I remembered the words of our Savior: “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” At that moment, I knew I had to forgive him. The young boda rider sped off without a second glance, likely aware of the damage he had caused to my car and the road’s safety. Yet, I continued on my journey, determined not to let the incident cloud the work I had been called to do.
As I drove further, the memories of the boda man faded, and the Holy Spirit led me to Ndere village. The peacefulness of the village was in stark contrast to the chaos of the boda-filled roads. In Ndere, the love of Jesus was waiting to be shared. I met several families, their faces worn from life’s challenges but their hearts eager to listen. With each conversation, I spoke of the hope and salvation found in Jesus Christ. “Whoever believes shall be saved, and whoever denies Him will face judgment,” I reminded them, sharing the urgency of the gospel message.
Some received the message with open hearts, ready to accept Jesus and follow the Lord. Others hesitated, unsure of what they believed. But I knew that the seed had been planted, and it was up to God to grow it. As I prayed with the families, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit moving among us, bringing peace, conviction, and love.
As I left Ndere, I reflected on the day’s events. The boda man’s reckless driving had reminded me of the need for order and respect on the roads, but more importantly, it had reminded me of the power of forgiveness. Just as I had forgiven him, God offers forgiveness to all who seek it through His Son, Jesus Christ. The gospel’s message is clear: we must repent, believe, and follow Him, for the kingdom of God is near.
The roads may be chaotic, and the journey may be filled with unexpected bumps, but with Jesus’s love in our hearts, we can forgive, press on, and continue sharing His message of hope to the ends of the earth.

God bless you, Granny. I knew I came for you; not even an accident stopped me from coming and sharing Jesus with you.

Jesus wanted you to smile.