Olivia Nakanyike, a young woman of twenty-three, found herself in a difficult situation after marrying at a young age. Her husband, who had several wives, took another wife who treated Olivia poorly. This caused Olivia great distress, and she began to consider ending her life.
However, JesusFedMe heard about her troubles and came to her aid, offering both physical nourishment and spiritual guidance. We shared the gospel with Olivia, speaking to her about the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ.
We encouraged her by saying, “Do not be afraid, for the Lord your GOD is with you. He will be your comfort and strength. Cast all your burdens on Him, for He cares for you.” We also shared the words of Scripture, saying, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Touched by GOD’s love and the ministry’s message, Olivia found hope. She realized that her life was valuable in the Lord’s eyes and that He had a plan for her. She turned her heart to Jesus and found peace in His love.
Through the guidance and preaching of JesusFedMe, Olivia was saved from despair and embraced the love of Christ. She rose with new strength, confident that the Lord was with her, and her faith was strengthened.
Olivia’s house
A happy kid with food gifts