JFM experienced a blessing when we bought Bibles for a pastor in Pakistan. We wish to thank Eric Yaqooob. The following is a message from Eric, expressing his gratitude towards donors for their efforts in spreading the gospel through the purchase and distribution of Bibles.
Bibles distribution (unedited)
I am Pastor Eric Yaqoob from Pakistan. Recently I received the bibles to distribute in some of the villages of Pakistan and I thought to share a few Praise reports and stories with you.
I would like to tell a short background of my ministry work for the Lord in past years. Few years back I felt something strange in surrounding villages and that was a lack of understanding of the word of God and the main reason was that people did not have a chance to hear the bible regularly. So, I contacted FCBH for printing bibles and did not know that FCBH does provide audio bibles as well. Well, Mr. Louie Ross, the InCharge of translations and recordings, sent me about 200 printed bibles. Well, I was so excited and ran towards the villages and handed over the bibles to villagers. Later on I found and came to know that I did not do my job properly because just handing over bibles is not enough. According to Paul we must look back to believers to know if they are still on the track of true gospel. And also found out that many people could not read and write Urdu so it was useless to give them printed bibles. Well, we prayed as a team for this solution and then Mr. Jerrid, the South Asian leader in FCBH office came in my contact and I told him this situation and he sent 50 audio bibles to me. It was really a surprise answer prayer. Well, we made several audio bible groups in about 16 villages. In each village people were getting together to hear the audio bible and share their thoughts with each other. I also gave those devices to so many blind, old, and sick people even went to jails and hospitals.

Well at that time FCBH had only the New Testament in Urdu in the audio bibles. And people ran those groups with the New Testament for months and months and then started asking me about the Old Testament. Then we started praying about the Old Testament in the device. Meanwhile God did realize on me that discipleship is the best ministry and very effective.
Discipleship is something very important we came to know and started praying about because we were just a small group and not a professional ministry or church. And that was the time when God heard our prayers and connected us with Harold Crowel who designed a teaching called 5 TOOLS Reading the Bible Chronologically. I hope you are understanding how gradually God developed our ministry and equipped us with fine people and materials. Now with the guidance of the holy spirit we have learnt a lot how to distribute bibles and not just hand over the bibles but making sure that they are reading the bible correctly and understanding it. We have done several Pastors conferences in different cities and villages to train Pastors how to make disciples through the 5 Tools Reading the bible Chronologically. We have so many testimonies and praise reports about this teaching and so many pastors are happy that they are using this method to understand the whole story of the bible and God’s plan.
Now as we got the big stock of Urdu bibles, we struggled with pastors and leaders of different areas to help us get the bibles to their church members who do not have the bibles and also, we have given them the copy of the Urdu version of bible Reading Plan. In many churches pastors and leaders invited us to share the word of God and as well give the bibles to people who do not have bibles. We gave the bibles with small promises with receiver’s. First of receiver had to agree that this is the living water and very holy book and gift they are receiving. Secondly, they will keep it very safe and will use it every day and most importantly whatever they learn they will pass on to others.
Meanwhile I was to tell you the story of one old man who received a printed bible two weeks back. During the last distribution An old man after the church asked me for the bible and he was begging for that. I looked at the local pastor but he was very busy with people. Actually, I do not give out bibles myself when I am a guest in another church as I need to go through a local pastor. But that old man had tears in his eyes and I could not stop myself and gave him one of the bibles. He took the bible, kissed it and covered it with a cloth he had on his shoulders. And a kid from that church approached me and told me that man is uneducated and can’t read and write. I had questioned my heart if that old man cannot read and write the bible then why begged for the bible. Anway days passed and I again went to that village to meet the pastor and people received the bibles. And I asked about that old man and they called him from the village to meet me. Well, he came with a happy face and hugged me and said thank you. I asked him very humbly if he is uneducated than what he is doing with printed bibles. And he replied to me which caused my spirit to jump in happiness. He said he has a small bag always with him and a bible in it. Whenever he finds any educated man or woman or relative, he takes out his bible and begged them to read one page for him. He also has the pencil in it so he asked the reader to highlight where he stops so other people he finds may know where to start. And this way he takes the bible around the area and learns it from so many people. Even he said it’s a blessing for readers too. Then I hugged him for a long time and siad thanks very much for loving the Lord so much.
Well we still have some more areas to visit and share the word of God with them. Please continue praying for us and for all the believers receiving the bibles.
Its time for all of us to pull up our sleeves and work for the lord as he can approach anytime.
Pastor Eric Yaqooob
Wow, great news in there; glory be to God. Gospel is the way to go
Thank you JESUSFEDME for that great assistance in Pakistan