JFM has been celebrating two years since its commencement in August 2021. This is a true success for everyone who wishes JFM the good things ahead. It is proof of JFM’s resilience, ability to change and transform lives and stand in our fundamental beliefs. Covid 19 changed everything in the world, and there was a great need in Uganda that JFM came to handle and solve. Uganda is a poor country in Africa; there was a lot of demand among Ugandans in all aspects of life.
Nothing is as inspiring as reliving the past and reflecting on the future ahead. Below are the achievements we have achieved in the past two years.
Hundreds Received Christ Jesus.
With everyone desperate, hopeless, and helpless, the gospel was the foremost solution to such people. Gospel tracts have been distributed to people across different villages and districts to strengthen their Christianity and faith in Jesus Christ. To some, Bibles were given to draw the word nearer to them.
In the 24 months, hundreds have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior through JFM, as our primary goal is for everyone to know about Jesus.
With illiteracy levels, preaching the gospel was and still is a challenge. Still, both Luganda and English Bible and Gospel tracts have been secured to cater to the educated and non-educated. On average, five to ten people accept Jesus at least every week.
Mashariki Orphanage
Most children in Uganda are orphans; some are orphans in the way parents neglected them. By this, they can’t access their rights like the right to food, proper education, proper health care, suitable to be a child and other requests. Many kids were helpless, which could result in going to the streets.
Mashariki Children’s Home accommodates 14 children, and JFM took full responsibility for educating and feeding them daily. We hope to register more children because many domestic violence happens in African homes daily, leading children to leave their homes. Performance is the yardstick by which the quality of an individual and collective human effort is assessed. JFM has performed so well in rehabilitating homeless children.
Greater Works Church
The people of Lutembe will never forget the tragedy in 2021 when their fellowshipping church was taken away. Followers under Pastor Kisuule relocated to a nearby place and started conducting services in an open area. It took someone who loves Jesus to endure the scorching sunshine and the heavy downpours since believers worshipped God in mud, praising Jesus while under the sun.
JFM stepped in and helped to build a church. As of now, people gather under a well-constructed church we give back the glory to God. The church accommodates 600 people. This wouldn’t happen without God’s hand through JFM. A special thank-you goes out to Generations Church in Fate, Texas, for your significant contributions to finishing this church building.
We have had the privilege of installing a water well in a neighborhood that made people pay for water or fetch it from a dirty pond. The new JESUS WELL provides clean water to over 1000 people.
Health and the Miracle Medical Center
Life is significant, and everyone is very attentive to their life. With poverty among Ugandans, it’s hard for them to access good health facilities. Deadly diseases have attacked people who are our friends, but because they can’t access better hospitals, many have lost this precious life. Thanks to JFM for saving some of our brothers and sisters. Enock is one of the beneficiaries of JFM’s health care. Last year he was diagnosed with a hernia and had a successful surgery, and JFM paid all the bills. For people like him, JFM has helped them, and their lives have been saved.
JFM is building Miracle Medical Center (MMC) to help poor people, especially pregnant young moms. We are the no-abortion medical center in Nakasake, Uganda—glory to God.
Improving standards of living. (building houses for homeless grannies)
During our door-to-door food delivery and evangelism, we encountered an old lady identified as Angella (Granny Angella). JFM was so touched by her how she was living under a temporary tent with over nine grandchildren. They lived outside. If rain came, all would be wet, mosquitoes were feeding on them, and diseases like malaria were inevitable. Until now, had not been JFM, granny Angella would be sleeping under her torn tent. JFM constructed her a three-bedroom house, purchased mattresses for the kids and blankets, and her life was powerfully changed through JFM.
Sponsoring Children.
JFM sponsors all children at Mashariki Children’s Home and feeds 40 other students at Amazing Grace Church daily. JFM is constructing a primary school where all education will be free. As of now, over 20 children are getting an education from JFM.
Here in Uganda, we are very grateful to all sponsors and donors who play a vital role in reaching vulnerable children and communities. JFM has addressed poverty-related issues primarily through promoting education and supporting less privileged persons.