Two old JFM friends reunited. Despite their absence, the memories of that transformative day on Lake Victoria...
Thank you
Today marks a significant milestone for Uganda as the country undertakes its population census, providing invaluable data...
“Thank you so much, JesusFedMe! Today was filled with unexpected blessings, and I can’t help but overflow...
Saudah: “Hello, JesusFedMe! I have a question.” JesusFedMe: “Hi, Saudah! Of course, what would you like to...
On warm afternoon today in Lukooge village, JesusFedMe encountered Joseph, a 74-year-old man trudging along the dusty...
Mom Gets a New Home: A Testament to Divine Faithfulness After enduring 23 long years in a...
Mom Gets a New Home: A Testament to Divine Faithfulness After enduring 23 long years in a...
In the Bible, Jesus expressed deep compassion for those hungry and in need. His teachings often emphasized...
Throughout his ministry, Jesus demonstrated a profound love and compassion for all people, regardless of their background...
JesusFedMe embodies the essence of being a mother to the motherless by providing nurturing care and support...