As Valentine’s Day unfolds, JFM once again extends heartfelt gestures of love and compassion to the children...
Thank you
Nvananzo Irene, a single mother residing in Nandere village, Central Uganda, epitomizes resilience amidst adversity. Jesus Fed...
Joseph, a 16-year-old lad, lives alone in his home, receiving dedicated care from Jesus Fed Me (JFM),...
Over the past two years, the unwavering support from our donors has been a beacon of truth,...
In the village of Namasujju, we met Gloria, an elderly woman facing life’s challenges with remarkable fortitude....
JFM encountered a young boy named Israel while carrying two jerrycans, presumably filled with water from a...
Dear people of Lukomera village, I appreciate your gratitude, but please understand that I am just a...
Naluvule is one of the remote areas in the Luweero district with many aged people; JFM discovered...
The house now looks progressing, with electricity coursing through its veins and socket plugs residing within its...
In the month of January, JFM has witnessed a tremendous wave of evangelism, marked by the transformative...