Ssonko Nehemiah, a 78-year-old resident of Bukuuku village, is a man whose life is a reflection of...
Food Gifts
Granny Nabbanja Euzebia is an extraordinary 86-year-old woman whose life story reflects resilience, wisdom, and a deep...
An extremely poor family was struggling to survive another day. The youngest child lay on the bare...
In Bukungu village, a group of young men, over 20, were gathered under a tree, immersed in...
The children were nearly overwhelmed as they experienced clear vision for the first time in their lives....
In the heart of Kikamulo village, the arrival of JesusFedMe (JFM) sparked a wave of astonishment and...
A Gift for Mark BK Mark BK, one of the sons of the esteemed proprietor of JesusFedMe...
Self reflection by Mathiew Saba Benjo, a 7-year-old boy, sits quietly under a sprawling tree, his bare...
To many, three kilograms of rice and one kilogram of sugar might seem insignificant, but for someone...
JesusFedMe (JFM) has been a pivot of hope in rural Ugandan communities. Responding to emergencies, JFM focuses...