Magana, an elderly woman in her late 80s, lives independently in a modest grass-thatched house that occasionally...
Gospel Tracts
In a heartwarming moment, a group of hungry children, their innocent expressions shining brightly, were given nourishing...
Aloysius and Joseph, two young men who make their living by navigating the waters of Lake Victoria,...
Mathiew’s journey with Bill to Kero village held profound moments of compassion and faith. Their visit to...
Mathiew and Dr. William embarked on a heartwarming journey with Bill and Jaxen to reunite with Fred,...
Bombo Road, a bustling and dusty thoroughfare in Uganda, is a microcosm of daily life in this...
On a typical day while we were doing food delivery, we chanced upon a group of children...
Jesusfedme’s deep affection and care for those in need are truly remarkable. JFM’s love for the less...
I remember the families we have blessed ever since JFM started feeding people. Some people live unpredictable...