Granny Nabbanja Euzebia is an extraordinary 86-year-old woman whose life story reflects resilience, wisdom, and a deep...
Gospel Tracts
An extremely poor family was struggling to survive another day. The youngest child lay on the bare...
In Bukungu village, a group of young men, over 20, were gathered under a tree, immersed in...
In the heart of Kikamulo village, the arrival of JesusFedMe (JFM) sparked a wave of astonishment and...
A Gift for Mark BK Mark BK, one of the sons of the esteemed proprietor of JesusFedMe...
Self reflection by Mathiew Saba Benjo, a 7-year-old boy, sits quietly under a sprawling tree, his bare...
To many, three kilograms of rice and one kilogram of sugar might seem insignificant, but for someone...
JesusFedMe (JFM) has been a pivot of hope in rural Ugandan communities. Responding to emergencies, JFM focuses...
Namakubi Ruth was a teenage girl full of dreams and aspirations, yearning for a better life beyond...
During a recent door-to-door gospel outreach by JesusFedMe (JFM), six individuals experienced life-changing encounters with Jesus Christ....