In a small village, Mityebiri, nestled among rolling hills, two men, Joseph and Daniel, attended the same...
Amazing Grace Church
Greetings beloved,I’ve been blessed to be part of the gospel books distribution team for JFM. For quite...
Hasifah Namajja, a 13-year-old girl at the Mashariki Children’s Home, was admitted to the home program last...
Sarah is a 25-year-old woman who has been battling cerebral palsy since the age of six. For...
Greetings beloved,ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN Now that we have a children’s home and many kids under our...
JesusFedMe embodies the essence of being a mother to the motherless by providing nurturing care and support...
written by Ignatious Sseremba, director of Mashariki Children’s Home Greetings beloved,In addition to all the tremendous projects...
This article was written by Igantious Sseremba, director of Mashriki Children’s Home. Greetings beloved, In this short...
Katende Isa lives in Buteera village under the comforting shade of a gnarled old tree. Katende Isa...
Greetings beloved, My name is Ignatius Sseremba, and I am the vision bearer of Amazing Grace Church....