Today 20th December 2021, 9 families received Christmas gifts which included rice, bars of soap, sugar, macron, among others. Each family was able to get around 11 lbs of rice as a Christmas gift. JFM knows that not every family can afford to buy more than 4 lbs at a time.
We are in the last push to kick out 2021, and your giving can make a difference. For example, today, one of the families had to feed on local cassava, but JFM surfaced with food. This means your giving made a difference to save a family from surviving on only local cassava that had no sauce. Be part of this vision by donating to JFM to see people go with food. Let us love God’s people by blessing them with food and other necessities.
Among the families that received food today was a witch’s family with their son Issan. They confessed publicly how they worship the devil. Although they refused the gospel, they received food since Jesus came for all. They live under a big stone in the hills around Ddewe village. Traditionally Ddewe was the village of nonbelievers but because of the gospel of actions and love, there has been a transformation in the past years. We are grateful that JFM is speeding the change. Winning souls for God’s glory.
Below are the smiles of the children after receiving food.